01 December 2013 by: Macleod Simmonds
The Macleod Simmonds Team always insist on the best and understand that their teams need reliable performance from the technology that they employ. In keeping with this vision we have invested in the RD8000 PDL and T10 system from Radio Detection for the latest Radio Frequency Locator Technology.
These units provide us with added confidence in the results that we are producing, especially when in the very capable hands of our operators. One of the RD8000’s most useful capabilities is the Current Direction function which allows a field technician using a special clamp to follow a particular cable into a maelstrom of buried utilities and emerge the other side still confidently focussing on the same target. This capability is invaluable when working in busy city centres, near substations or telephone exchanges!
The system also includes Bluetooth connectivity allowing the field technician to remotely control the transmitter from the receiver saving valuable time when working at distance.
For more information on this technology please follow this link: http://www.radiodetection.com/doclib/RD8000_ENG_08_brochure_en.pdf